Units within the Support Division provide administrative and other supporting roles that contribute to the successful operation of the Virginia Beach Police Department.
Virginia Beach Police Department
Virginia Relay TTY
The outpouring of support from our community following the tragic loss of two of our police officers has been overwhelming, and you may be wondering how you can help. More information can be found on our support page for Officer Girvin and Officer Reese.
Learn MoreUnits within the Support Division provide administrative and other supporting roles that contribute to the successful operation of the Virginia Beach Police Department.
Virginia Beach Police Department
Virginia Relay TTY
The Support Division includes the following units:
The Central Records Unit conducts background checks for individuals seeking a concealed handgun permit in addition to background checks for permits and criminal history requests, the processing and removal of abandoned vehicles and billing of false burglar alarms.
The False Alarm Reduction Unit works to educate residents about the proper use of burglar, panic and robbery alarms, and encourages the registration of these systems. Alarms are required to be registered in the City Code, and fines can be levied for repeat false alarms.
The PhotoSafe program captures images of stoplight violations and uses vehicle information to issue a civil penalty.
The Training Bureau manages the Law Enforcement Training Center and the curriculum for new recruits and ongoing education for currently serving officers.
The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA), located in the Code of Virginia § 2.2-3700 et seq., guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials, and public employees.