Everybody understands that “RED Means Stop!” However, red light running violations are frequently observed by residents at nearly every intersection in the city.
The outpouring of support from our community following the tragic loss of two of our police officers has been overwhelming, and you may be wondering how you can help. More information can be found on our support page for Officer Girvin and Officer Reese.
Learn MoreEverybody understands that “RED Means Stop!” However, red light running violations are frequently observed by residents at nearly every intersection in the city.
Each year, more than 12 percent of the total traffic tickets issued by our police officers are for red light running offenses. As a resident of our community, the Department is certain you would agree that the number of red light running occurrences that officers are unable to enforce is significantly higher.
The photo enforcement camera systems are an important force multiplier for the police department and they reduce the risks involved with red light running enforcement.
The key to PHOTOSafe Virginia Beach’s success is public knowledge of the systems and the assurance that if you run a red light, your vehicle will be photographed and you will receive a civil penalty for the violation. Details concerning Virginia Beach's automated red-light running enforcement program can be found under the related documents section.
The following information is provided for your assistance:
For additional information about Virginia Beach's PHOTOSafe Program or to arrange a PHOTOSafe presentation, contact the program coordinator at 757-385-7235 or by email at VBPDPhotoSafe@vbgov.com.